Richard Henry Nodder, 1877-1910
Biographical notes
Able Seaman - Shackleton Nimrod 1907-1909
January 1877, at Wellington Cottage, Torpoint Cornwall - Able
Sailed on the Nimrod with Shackleton from Lyttleton New Zealand to Antarctica and back December 1908 - March 1909 and then from Lyttleton to Sydney and London 1909.
The third son of a family of 14 children, 7 boys and 7 girls. Richard "Dick" Nodder was educated at Torpoint Weslyan School and a t a private school in Devonport. On leaving school, he joined the Royal navy during which service he went to New Zealand, deciding to then leave the navy.
In 1907 in Lyttleton, New Zealand, Nodder joined Shackleton's British Antarctic Expedition aboard the Nimrod. During this expedition he rescued a companion who had fallen into a crevasse. He was very interested in the flora and fauna of Antarctica. In conjunction with James Murray the biologist on the expedition he also investigated the geology of Antarctica.
On his return from the expedition he joined the Merchant Navy as a second officer.
On hearing about Scott's Terra Nova expedition to try and reach the South Pole he offered his services. During a medical for this it was found that he had been affected by the severe cold on the previous Nimrod journey which had affected his health and in particular his heart. While he was not able to join Scott, he helped fit out the Discovery. Captain Scott visited him personally to express his disappointment that Nodder was not going to be accompanying the rest of the crew on the trip.
Nodder contracted pneumonia in 1910 and died shortly afterwards as a result of his weak heart
Biographical information
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