McMurdo Base - Antarcticans Database Project
Charlie Johnson - 1980-81
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McMurdo Station summer support and winter over Electronics Technicians 80-81

McMurdo Station Storekeepers, 80-81

Radiomen and women, summer support and winter, McMurdo 80-81

Radiomen and women, summer support and winter, McMurdo 80-81

Our supply building

SK3 Supply type . Bill Wilson, from Georgia, USA. A little camera shy.

Gary Johnson (summer support)

Charlie Johnson

My leading Chief Radioman Roger McCurdy, W/O 80-81 also at McMurdo, Ross Island


AG1 Chris Fakes and AG1Eric Roby weather men US Navy, W/O 80-81

Eric Roby, from Oregon. a Mac Center weather man. W/O 80-81


RM1 Gary Johnson (Summer Support) from California


Three supply types. Winter Over 80-81

BBQ Time

Our ambulance at a BBQ. the cowboy is HMC Chief corpsman Chris Swan, W/O also at McMurdo

Scott Discovery Hut

This honorable gentleman is MS1 Head Cook, Ruben Franklin Delano Roosevelt Thomas

Scott base W/O's

Scott Base, New Zealand Personnel
Photos; © Charlie Johnson