FIDS - South Georgia and Bird Island
Bases M, BI
BI - 54°00'S, 38°03'W - occupied 22/09/82
- present
M - 54°17'S, 36°30'W - occupied
intermittently from 01/01/50, continually from 22/03/01 - present
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King Edward Point - South Georgia
Don Taylor (Rothera, Halley, Signy, Faraday, South Georgia - 1984/85, 1993-2004) Willingham, Cambs
Capt Ric Airey, SG, Adelaide, Rothera, etc. - 1974-1980 - Edinburgh, Scotland Out of the ether, all you lovely people, hello and well met, hope every one still clinging to the wreckage, they finally found me out after 32 years in the air and grounded me, flew south with American cousins but BAS wont have me not surprising with mother superior still in charge grin, she's done well for a primary school teacher with a rubber fetish. Damn it i have missed you all wonder where Mex Merson, Howard Platt, Gerry Lawson are now .ref history being r/o skeletons I can do particularly the funny ones see doggerel BAS club letter 34 , also why is Nigel Leader-Williams not yet prime minster, and Howard my dads still alive and still my hero. Sea ice fast and plateau clear sledge dog days remain most dear xxricxx
Jonathan Barker, Granny! South Georgia (M) 1972-74 - Reading, Berkshire Ex MN - Base Radio Operator - got a couple of weeks on Barff Peninsular in Summer which was a great break and actually felt like a 'real' explorer rather than a KEP resident! :-) V fond memories of those 18 months - Elephant Seals breeding outside the radio shack, lenticular cloud lit by red sunsets over Mt Paget/Allardyce Range, trips on Lille Carl(?) to West Cumberland Bay, fur seals, w/end walks to Maiviken, Mt Hodges, Hestesletten, Moraine Fjord and I could go on.... greatly missed! Hope to see it all again at least once before I'm turned back to star dust! Do contact me if you are in the area. Greets to all those FIDS out there!
B. Graham Bell, South Georgia (1971 - 2) - Penicuik, Scotland email
Ted Evans (summer 72/73 - South Georgia, Halley, Signy) - Yorkshire Worked on south G slipway with Big Al..then new base at Halley,& then to Signy (genny shed base) where I broke my leg & had a nice voyage back with my leg in plaster.
Bob Goodall (1975,1976) Sydney email Hi I didn't know this site existed, I just got lucky! I have seen a few guys over the years but I have moved around a lot and lost touch. Good to see my best man is among those included in the list.
Albert Hart (Summer 71/72) - Blandford, Dorset Builder - Wintered KEP 1971, Summer Signy (1971/72)
Clive Johnson (1975 to 1979, South Georgia, Rothera) - Buxton, Derbyshire
Dave Matthews (1965/66) - Nr. Inverness, Scotland email Stonington, also Horseshoe Is. midwinter 1965 & S. Georgia summer 1979-80 Numerous summer seasons in Arctic, mainly East Greenland.
Brian Moore (South Georgia and Rothera - 1976/1977) - Saltcoats N Ayrshire
Howard Howie Platt (1972, 73, 75) - Belfast - - Wintered 1973 and 1975. Zoologist and diver. Went on to Natural History Museum and Northern Ireland Environment Agency.
Bob Sanders (South Georgia - 1974, 1975) Maidenhead, Berkshire
Tim Stewart (1976) - Humberston North East
Lincolnshire -
Fond memories of base M and many FIDs. Being married has prevented further
adventures, but, has other compensations! Always interested
in what has been going on 'down south'. I just hope
that all of you have faired well since.
Bob Forster (Grytviken; Signy Is. 1979-81; 1981-82) - Truro, Cornwall1990's
James Hurley (Big Jim and Abe)- (Signy, Halley & Bird Island - 1988-1991, 1996, 1997) - Bristol, UK
John Clemens, (2003) - hanging out in Cornwall. email General chilling out in little old Cornwall doing some farming at the mo, got to see some cold stuff again some time .
Joe Corner (Halley, Bird Island, Signy - 2008, 2010, 2011) - Crewe Cheshire I am from Crewe in Cheshire, and wintered at Halley in 2008, Bird Island 2010, and summered at Signy 2010/11. I was electrician on all 3 bases.
Sue Dowling (2003) - King Edward Point, RRS Ernest Shackleton. email Evesham, Worcs. Wintered at KEP 2003, then spent the following season as ship's doc on RRS Ernest Shackleton (lucky enough to visit bases A, B, BI, F, H, J, M, O, R, W and Z - oh, and X lots of times...). Enjoyed it so much I spent the 2004-5 summer season at Port Lockroy with two hairy blokes.
Ian Parsons (snips) (2003) - King Edward Point email Cardiff. Wintered KEP 2003. Currently trying to escape the PermaFid cycle.
Trying to find...
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I'm sure I
did this already... every now and then I send out emails,
a proportion of these bounce back as "not found",
often because it was a former work email or an ISP that no longer
exists, as there is no longer any way to make contact I delete
the record to keep things as current as I can..